Healthify your life
Tips to live happily ever after
1.Play with children
2.Talk to people above 70 & below 5
3.Practice yoga, yoga doesn't only mean physical exercises, it also means being one with the divine, being one with all of life
4.Do things you want to do, there are some sacrifices that we have to make it happen, but its really worth it because if you can't do something that you'd die for, your not fit to live
5.Live in the present moment awareness, as you remain always conscious of the present, you will always know your future
6.Imagine yourself to be an infinite role player, be the best son, best father, best spouse, don't get attached to any of these roles, your job is to perform these roles well, if you get attached to these roles you will have suffer
7.Follow a healthy diet, eat natural food that doesn't needs to be processed, like fruits and vegetable, at least 30% of your diet must include fruits and vegetables'
8.Always look for unending happiness, all our happiness has an expiry date, imagine you wanna buy a new car what happens after you buy it, may be you'll become a little happier than before but it will mostly last till a month, just like that all our happiness has an expiry date, but the real joy and happiness come from within, become conscious of it, spend sometime in silence everyday
9.Dedicate sometime to play like kids, when you see kids playing you can see how naturally creative they are as kids we thought everything was possible, but when we became adults we become conditioned by our society, the trick is never to forget what we thought as kids
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